Imlitir 9

Imlitir 9

24th October, 2016.

A Thuisti,

We would like to invite parents/guardians to the school hall this Friday morning from 9.15a.m. to 10.00a.m. for our annual Fancy Dress. We are having a pumpkin competition also on the day. Children who design and decorate their pumpkins at home should bring in their pumpkins to the hall on Friday morning. This Friday healthy lunches are optional. We are a ‘Nut Free’ school as a number of children have life threatening allergies to all nuts. Please read the Administration of Medicines Policy on the school website. A hard copy can be obtained from the office. We respectfully ask parents/guardians not to bring in buns/treats etc for a whole class as we can’t ensure that these are 100% nut-free as there may be no labelling or packaging on them.

There is a Literacy Lift Off feedback meeting for parents/guardians of Second Class pupils this Thursday (27th) October from 1.50p.m. to 2.30p.m.

This Thursday is ‘Homework Off’ night as it is the last Thursday of the month.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child’s education please make an appointment with the class teacher. Teachers are not in a position for health and safety and educational reasons to discuss an issue with parents/guardians during class time. We hope parents/guardians respect this.

All children in Third, Fourth and Sixth classes will be going swimming after Halloween for six weeks. The lessons will be on Wednesdays. The first lesson will be on Wednesday 9th November. The children will be leaving the school at 11.55 and returning at 2.00p.m.

This week the INTO Learning Centre launched the All Together Now! Programme to address homophobic and transphobic bullying in Primary Schools. This will be on the school website later in the week under ‘Links’.

The school closes this Friday (28th October) for all children at 1.40p.m. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Halloween. There is no school bus. School re-opens on Monday 7th November at 9.00a.m.

Is mise,

Seamus Tansley.

Priomh Oide.