Imlitir 15

Imlitir 15                                                            

17th December, 2018.

A Thuisti,

Christmas Carol Service

Our Christmas Carol Service takes place this Friday at 11.00a.m. in the school hall. All parents/guardians should be seated at 10.50a.m. The Parents’ Association have organised tea/coffee for parents/guardians from 10.30a.m. to 10.50a.m. in the servery area. The school will close at 12.00noon for Christmas holidays. There is no school bus.

GDPR Christmas Carol Service etc.

A recording of a child, or children is the collection and storage of data. As with the collection and storage of any data, consent is required. Parents are not required to comply with the Data Protection Act when taking photographs of their children for their own private use, there is no breach of the Act. This changes if the parents subsequently share images of other children in a public forum e.g. Facebook, Website etc. The responsibility is firmly on the person who has captured the images not to share them publicly. Please bear this in mind at our Christmas Carol Service and other school events.

Christmas Raffle

All families were given raffle tickets last week for the annual Parents’ Association Christmas Draw. The prizes are excellent again this year. Please support us as all money is pumped back into the school.

Technology during Christmas

Many children may receive digital devices/phones as presents for Christmas. It is a good time to remind our children about staying safe online.

  • Safety settings should be set up on phones/devices
  • Change passwords regularly
  • Use the 5:1 Rule – for every one hour of screen time there should be five hours on ‘non screen time’ i.e. sport, board games, family time etc.
  • ‘Stop, Block, Tell Rule’ – If your child experiences some negativity from people online they should Stop what they are doing. Block the person upsetting them. Tell a trusted adult (parent/guardian).

Christmas Holidays

On behalf of myself and all the staff I would like to wish all the children, parents/guardians and all the Rathfeigh school community a peaceful, relaxing and spiritual Christmas. We will re-open after the Christmas holidays on Monday January 7th. Nollaig Shona Daoibh.

Is mise,

Seamus Tansley.

Priomh Oide.