Imlitir 8
17th October, 2016.
A Thuisti,
Accord facilitators were due to deliver the RSE programme to sixth class pupils tomorrow. Due to the illness of one of the facilitators it will now take place on Thursday November 24th. The facilitators apologise for any inconvenience caused.
We had our annual Jersey Day last Friday. It was an enjoyable day with all pupils participating in sporting activities in the hall. Well done to Sophie, Ava, Timmy, Seán, Madisan, Cian, Erika, Naoise, James and Isobel who won prizes. A huge thanks to everyone who donated money for the purchase of P.E. equipment. We collected €250.00.
Our boys’ rounders’ team lost narrowly in the semi-finals last Friday. I am very proud of their efforts, They played really well. Many decisions went against them on the day but they represented the school and their families excellently.
This week is Maths Week. During the course of the week all classes will be doing fun maths activities. Parents/Guardians can log onto and partake in fun activities and puzzles with their children.
This week’s Briathar na Seachtaine is:
Cuir (to put) e.g. cuir ort do chóta (put on your coat)
Cuir do leabhair sa mhála scoile (put your books in your school bag)
Cuir an bainne sa chuisneoir ( put the milk in the fridge)
We are having our annual Halloween Fancy Dress and Pumpkin Competition in the school hall on Friday October 28th. We would like to invite parents/guardians to see the Fancy Dress in the school hall from 9.15 to 10.00a.m. We will also have a Pumpkin C
ompetition on that day. We would like the children to design and decorate their pumpkin at home and bring it into the school hall on the morning of Friday 28th. There will be a small prize for the most imaginatively designed pumpkin in each class.
Please find attached the Agreed Report for the Board of Management meeting held on September 19th.
Is mise,
Seamus Tansley.
Priomh Oide.