Imlitir 8

19th October, 2020.

A Thuisti,

Credit Union ‘Imagine More’ Art Competition

The children in First to Sixth class must return their art entries tomorrow. Please attach the Entry Form to the art-piece. We will be picking a 1,2,3 in each class before sending ALL entries to the Credit Union. The children in Junior/Senior Infants will be doing a Halloween Colouring Competition. We will also be picking a 1,2,3 in these classes.

Pumpkin Competition

The children in all classes have until Thursday to upload pictures of their designed pumpkin to their relevant class Edmodo. If you are having difficulties uploading to Edmodo please e-mail your entry to the school e-mail

Halloween Fancy Dress

This Friday is our annual Fancy Dress. Please encourage your child to ‘dress up’ as it will be a welcome distraction in the present difficult circumstances. All children will go home at 12 noon on Friday. Please note there will be no school bus at 12 noon on Friday. The school will re-open on Monday November 2nd after the mid-term break.

Level4/Level 5

The government are announcing today whether the country will be moving to Level 4 or Level 5 restrictions. Although it looks more than likely that schools will remain open regardless which level we are in we will be sending some school books home on Thursday in case the situation changes over the mid-term. We are doing this in case schools close in early November. If this happens we will be on ‘Zoom’ and ‘Edmodo’ This is only precautionary and hopefully we will all be back in school after Halloween!

Online Payment

A big thanks to Helen for setting up the online payment system. This gives the opportunity for all people who gave us their e-mail address to pay online for Art & Craft, Insurance Copies etc. It’s very important that you acknowledge receiving all e-mails sent to you. If you don’t we’re not sure that you received the e-mail or whether the wrong e-mail was given to us in error. Please try your best to pay before the Halloween break.

Board of Management Meeting

There is a Board of Management meeting this evening on ‘Zoom’.


The attendance rate for August and September are 92% and 94% respectively.

Stay Safe

We wish everyone in the Rathfeigh school community a safe Halloween. We hope everyone enjoys Halloween but the most important thing this year is that everyone stays safe. We want to see everyone fit and healthy back in school on November 2nd.

Is mise,

Seamus Tansley.

Priomh Oide.