Imlitir 4

Imlitir 4

16th September, 2019.

A Thuisti,

Boys Football

Our boys football team are playing in Skryne this Friday against Mount Hanover at 1.15p.m. We are leaving the school at 12.50p.m. Please arrange with a parent/guardian if you cannot bring your child to the match.

Football Training

Teresa will continue with gaelic training during school this Wednesday for all children. Pupils in 3rd to 6th must bring a change of footwear/socks.

Art & Craft and Insurance

If you haven’t paid Art & Craft (€25) and Insurance (€8) please do so this week.

Computers & Yoga

Following on from the success of computer lessons last year Colm will be returning to the school do four lessons with all classes starting on September 26th. The cost is €5.00.

We are also delighted that Deidre Snowe will be doing Yoga lessons for all pupils during school also starting on Wednesday 25th September. The cost is €5.00 for four lessons.

For convenience can you send in €10.00 in an envelope (Yoga and Computers) as soon as possible.

Frása na Seachtaine

This week’s frása na seachtaine is

Tá pian i mo bholg (I’ve a stomach ache)

Tá pian i mo cheann (I’ve a headache)

Tá pian im mo lámh) (I’ve a pain in my hand)

Literacy Lift Off

Literacy Lift Off starts today for pupils in second class. It will last for 5/6 weeks. The children will be getting books to read on a nightly basis. We strongly advise that you read these books with your children nightly.

Irish Independent

Every Wednesday for 33weeks the pupils in Fifth and Sixth classes will be getting the Irish Independent which will have Science and Irish supplements. The cost per pupil is €16.50. The eldest child only in the family in these classes need to get the newspaper. Please send in money in an envelope as soon as possible.

Credit Union

Every Friday morning a member of Tara & District Credit Union visits the school starting on Friday September 27th .This a great opportunity for the children to get into the habit of saving money. We have forms in the office if you would like your child to join the Credit Union.

Head Lice

A parent has reported head lice in her child’s hair. Please check your child’s hair this evening and treat if necessary.

Is mise,

Seamus Tansley.

Priomh Oide.