Imlitir 31

Imlitir 31

18th April, 2016.


A Thuisti,

We had a beautiful Confirmation ceremony yesterday in Skryne Church. The weather was glorious which really added to the occasion. The sixth class pupils did a great job and they all looked fantastic in their attire. A huge amount of people made yesterday a great success. We would like to thank Mrs Vaughan and Ms. O’ Donoghue for helping with the choir, Helen for the administrative work and all the Rathfeigh parents who catered for more than 350 people in the hall afterwards. It was a massive undertaking for the parents and we all appreciate their huge efforts. A special thanks also to Fionnuala Gryson who was in charge of the choir. We are all very proud of the Confirmation pupils and I hope they enjoyed their big day. They must come to school tomorrow with their Confirmation clothes for the class photograph.

We would like to thank all the parents who completed the Parental Questionnaire on Homework. The children will be completing a Pupil Questionnaire this week. All the feedback will help us greatly in reviewing our current Homework Policy.

The ‘Friends for Life’ programme in Second and Third classes is going really well. The children are enjoying it. It will continue for another eight weeks.

March 15th was Proclamation Day. We had a Flag-Raising ceremony and activities in class. Peter Lynch took a large number of photographs on the day. Peter took a lovely mix of colour and black and white photos which will be on the school website later in the week.

We would like to remind parents/guardians of Sixth class pupils that the closing date for applications forms for school transport for September 2016 is 29th April, 2016.

Is mise,

Seamus Tansley.

Priomh Oide.