Imlitir 29 

25th June, 2024. 

A Thuisti,  

Sixth Class Graduation  

Our 6th class pupils are graduating this evening in the school hall at 7.00p.m.  

The graduation is a special occasion for the children in sixth class, their families and all the teachers in the school. We wish Eve, Izzy, Lucy, Sophie, Stevie, Faye, Leila, Lily, Cian K, Cian R, Séan, William, John and Esona the best of luck as they enjoy their final few days in Rathfeigh N.S.  

I, personally, will miss the graduation class having taught them in fourth class. Over the years they have matured greatly and I will miss their humour and laughter. They were a fantastic addition to the school and I wish them all happiness and success in everything they do in the future and I look forward to welcoming some of them back to the school in future years for work placement in Transition Year.  

Ms. Reynolds will not be returning to Rathfeigh after the summer holidays. Ms. Reynolds was teaching in Rathfeigh for six years and it was a pleasure having her on the staff. I would like to thank Stephanie for her commitment and dedication to her job in Rathfeigh and we will all miss her. Best of luck Stephanie in everything you do in future years.  

We will be advertising the vacant position during the summer and we hope to have a teacher in place by the start of the school year.  

Teacher/Class Groupings  

When we return to school on August 29th the following will be the class groupings/teachers:  

Junior/Senior Infants Mrs Vaughan  

First/Second Mrs Campbell  

Third/Fourth Ms. O’Donoghue  

Fifth/Sixth Interviews during the summer  

Learning Support Mr. Tansley.  


It is the school’s legal obligation to inform the National Educational Welfare Board regarding children who have been absent from school for 20 days or more. I will be writing to parents/guardians this week if their child/children has been absent for 20 days or more. The school’s Strategy for School Attendance policy is on the school website.  

Is mise,  

Seamus Tansley.  

Priomh Oide.