Imlitir 29

Imlitir 29

16th April, 2018.


Our Sixth class pupils received their Confirmation yesterday. It was a special day and it was great to see children surrounded by their families and friends on their special day. Thanks to Ms. O’Donoghue for preparing the children so well and to Fionnuala and Fiona Gryson for organising the choir. The choir sang beautifully and we thank all the pupils who gave of their time to sing in the choir on their day off. Our Parents’ Association did a fantastic job providing tea/coffee and a huge assortment of food to all the congregation afterwards in Skryne Hall. Thanks to everyone who made sandwiches, cakes etc for the day. A huge thanks to Caroline Collins for the beautiful artwork “Guardians of the Light” We really appreciate her time and efforts.

Gaelic Football

Our boys’ and girls’ gaelic football teams are playing in Curragha tomorrow at 1.30p.m. We will be leaving the school at 1.00p.m. Our girls’ football team are playing in Moynalvey on Wednesday at 1.30p.m. We will be leaving the school at 12.45p.m. Our Boys’ football team are playing Boyerstown in Skryne on Friday at 1.45p.m. We will be leaving the school at 1.25p.m. Games were cancelled before and after Easter. This may necessitate playing more than one game per week over the next couple of weeks.

Parental Complaints

If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child’s education please make an appointment with the class teacher. Our Parental Complaints Policy can be viewed on the school website.

Student Council

We will have a new student council in place this week for the final term. The council has been a big success to date and we hope the new council will consult with the children in other classes so that we can organise exciting activities before the end of the school year.

Confirmation Photograph

The Sixth class confirmation group photograph will be taken tomorrow morning. The children should wear their Confirmation clothes coming to school and change into their school tracksuits afterwards.


Reminder – Third, Fourth and Fifth classes continue with their swimming lessons. If you haven’t already paid for them please send in €36.00 in an envelope as soon as possible.

Is mise,


Seamus Tansley.