Imlitir 6

7th, October 2024 

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

Deposit Return Scheme 

The Deposit Return Scheme for bottles and cans was introduced in Ireland on February 1st as approximately 30% of bottles and cans were not being recycled leading to increased littering. Since its introduction millions of bottles and cans have been returned to vending machines resulting in consumers retrieving their ‘refundable deposit’. 

Rathfeigh N.S., starting from today, will be collecting cans and bottles with the ‘Return Logo’ so as to highlight the importance of re-cycling but also to generate income which will be spent for a variety of purposes. 

Our Student Council members (Jane, Aoibhinn, Lucia and Reagan) will be in charge of this recycling initiative until Christmas. If you have bottles or cans at home with the ‘Return Logo’ please bring them to school and our Student Council members will collect them for the children in the various classes on a daily basis. We will give monthly updates on the number of bottles/cans collected. Our Student Council members, in consultation with their classmates will draw up a list on how best to spend the money collected. We look forward to making this initiative a success in our school.  

Children’s Book Festival 

As part of the Children’s Book Festival 2024, 3rd – 6th class will be visiting Trim Library on Wednesday October 16th for the ‘Greetings Heroes Show’ (Swift Theatre). They will be travelling by bus. The cost of the bus is €8.00 per pupil. Payment can be made on Aladdin from today. 

Non-Uniform Day 

This Friday is a non-uniform day. Healthy lunches are optional. 


Week 4 of swimming lessons for 3rd – 6th class continues tomorrow (Tuesday 8th October) 

Healthy Kidz 

‘Healthy Kidz’ takes place on Wednesdays for all children free of charge. Their after-school clubs take place on Wednesdays also. Junior Infants/Senior Infants 1.40pm to 2.40pm and 1st class – 6th class 2.40pm to 3.40pm. 

Gaelic Football 

Our Girls’ Gaelic Football Team are playing in Castletown this Thursday 10th October at 1.15pm. We are leaving the school at Please arrange a lift for your child if you can’t attend yourself. 

Our Gaelic Football coach Caroline will continue to visit the school on Fridays for Gaelic Football skills etc. with all the classes. 

RST Newsletter 

The RST Newsletter was e-mailed to parents/guardians on Saturday. 


We are only a few short weeks away from the Halloween Break. On Friday October 25th the children are invited to come to school dressed up in ‘Fancy Dress’. We will also have a Pumpkin Competition. If your child is taking part in the Pumpkin Competition then they design the pumpkin at home. On the morning of October 25th parents/guardians should help the children to bring their pumpkin into the school hall in the morning when the school opens @ 8.50am. At home time the pumpkins will be on tables outside the front of the school. Our Student Council members said they would like a small disco during school too. If your child has a desire for certain songs to be played at the disco please inform our Student Council members.  

Reminder: Swimming, Art & Crafts, Insurance & Homework Journal 

We sent you a link for payment. If you are sending in cash to the School please put it in an envelope with your child’s name and class on it. 

Is Mise, 

Seamus Tansley