Imlitir 34
9th May, 2016.
A Thuisti,
If a parent/guardian has a concern in relation to the social or academic progress of their child or the performance of a teacher the Complaints Procedure attached should be followed. This is a non-statutory procedure but aims to facilitate the resolution of difficulties where they arise in an agreed and fair manner. If you are unhappy about any aspect of your child’s education. I strongly recommend that you bring it to the attention of the class teacher promptly. This should result in any difficulties being resolved quickly and may alleviate any fears that your child may have.
First Communion takes place this Saturday at 11.00a.m. We hope the children enjoy this spiritual day. The Parents’ Association will be providing refreshments in the school hall afterwards. The First Communion class photograph will be taken immediately when the children go back to the school (approximately 12.15p.m.). There is a practice in the church on Wednesday at 1.50p.m. with the choir (leaving the school at 1.40p.m.) Children may go home straight from the church on Wednesday. There may be a practice on Friday at 9.30a.m. if the need arises. A big thanks to Ms. O’Donoghue for preparing the children for First Communion and the choir.
Junior Infants will receive the MMR and 4 in 1 vaccination on Tuesday 17th May.
Is mise,
Seamus Tansley.
Priomh Oide.