Imlitir 28

Imlitir 28

11th April, 2018.


A Thuisti,


The sixth class children will receive their Confirmation this Sunday (April 15th) in Skryne Church at 1.00p.m. We hope all the children and their families have an enjoyable and spiritual day. Our Parents’ Association will be providing tea/coffee and refreshments afterwards in Skryne Hall. We urgently need people to help out on Saturday evening and Sunday morning to get the hall in Skryne ready. We also need buns/cakes sandwiches etc these can be dropped into Skryne Hall on Sunday morning.

There is a practice for Confirmation Class and Choir tomorrow (Thursday) 9.30 to 11.00a.m. We will need help with lifts.


Swimming started on Monday for Third, Fourth and Fifth classes. The cost per pupil is €36.00 for six weeks. Please send in money as soon as possible in an envelope. Swimming forms part of the P.E. Curriculum. The Swimming Policy is on the school website. We thank the Parents’ Association for their continued support of swimming in the school by paying a substantial amount towards the cost of buses.

Easter Raffle

Our student council ‘Easter Egg Raffle’ was an amazing success. We collected an unbelievable €450 which will be used to purchase footballs for P.E. and for soccer at break times. Thanks to everyone who bought tickets. We also thank our outgoing student council members Andrew, Caoimhe, Zach and Faith. We will have a new student council for the final term.

Zeeko Education  – Roblox

Zeeko Education visited the school before Christmas to give information and advice to the children on digital literacy and safety. Roblox was consistently mentioned by the children as one of the games that they regularly play. The makers of Roblox have suggested an age range of 8 to 18 on their games. It is up to each individual parent/guardian to decide whether the game is appropriate for their child. Some of the games on Roblox can contain violence and weapons. Therefore, we should look at these sites ourselves so that we can make an  informed decision, as to whether the site is suitable for our own children. Users of Roblox can also chat with others while playing. For children under 12 there is a safe chat option and a parent login that allows you to monitor your child’s use of the site. Remind your child of the importance of speaking only to people they know when gaming.

School Tours

All classes are going on school tours on Friday June 8th. The cost of the tours per pupil is dependent on the number of children going on the tour. Please let the class teacher know this week if your child isn’t going on the school tour.

Junior & Senior              Red Mountain Farm

First & Second               Tayto Park

Third & Fourth               Clara Lara

Fifth & Sixth                  Lilliput Adventure Centre


Grand National

We wish Gavin Cromwell and Jake all the best of luck in this Saturdays English Grand National with their horse ‘Raz de Maree’.


School Closures

May 4th (Friday) and May 7th (Monday)                 May Bank Holiday

May 25th (Friday)                                                  Referendum

June 1st (Friday) and June 4th                                  June Bank Holiday


Is mise,


Seamus Tansley.

Priomh Oide.