Imlitir 2

September 9th 2024

The children in all classes have made a great start to the new school year. Attendance levels are very high and the children are applying themselves very well to their school work. We have fantastic children in Rathfeigh NS and we wish them a happy, safe and productive school year. If you have any concerns about your child’s education please contact the school to make an appointment with the class teacher.

Gaelic Football
The boys’ Gaelic Football Team are playing tomorrow in Skryne GAA pitch against Rathregan at 1pm. They will be leaving the school at 12.35pm. The game should be over at 1.45 pm. The children will be returning to school after the game. Please arrange a lift for your child if you can’t attend yourself.

The Girls’ Team are playing Thursday (12 th ) in Dunsany at 1.30pm – leaving the school at 1 pm. The game should be over at 2.15pm and they will be returning to school. Please arrange a lift for your child if you can’t attend yourself.

Healthy Kidz
We introduced the Healthy Kidz Programme to the school last year and it was a great success. They are returning to us again this year starting on Wednesday. Like last year this will form part of the P.E. curriculum and will be free once more for the children. I sent out a flyer to parents/guardians yesterday, via Alladin, about the Healthy Kidz After-School Programme. If you’re interested in your child/children attending the After-School Programme
please click on the link in the e-mail to register etc.

Contact List/Permission
Thanks to all parents/guardians for returning these forms so promptly. We are still waiting on a very small number of parents/guardians to return these forms. Please return them tomorrow (10th September).

The RST newsletter was e-mailed to parents/guardians Saturday.

Our new secretary will be starting on Monday September 16 th and we wish her well in her time in Rathfeigh. As I mentioned in the RST Helen has given huge service to our school since the mid 1990’s and she will be greatly missed by myself, the staff, children and parents/guardians. We wish Helen good health and happiness in her retirement.

The children in 3 rd -6 th class will be going swimming in Navan swimming pool for 6 weeks starting on September 17 th . They will be going by bus – leaving the school at 9.20am and returning at 11.30am.

Is Mise
Seamus Tansley (Principal)