Imlitir 1

31st August, 2020.

A Thuisti,

The first three days back in school have gone smoothly. The children and teachers are adapting to the new “normal”. It will take us all a little time to fully adapt but I’m sure the children have the resilience to cope with the new “restrictions”. I’m delighted, particularly, that the new Junior Infants have settled in very quickly. A big thanks to Mrs Vaughan and Nicola (SNA) for all their efforts in helping the Juniors to settle in well.

Book Rental

Thanks to Bridget Copeland who organised the Book Rental Scheme again this year. The children will only be bringing home the books that they need for homework. The children brought home their copies on Friday to get them covered. If they are not covered yet please do so today. We ask parents/guardians to sanitise the covers of school books and copies prior to coming to school. We will let you know the cost of the copies, homework journal and folders etc next week.

Parental Permission Form/Contact Form

We ask parents/guardians for their permission for their children to participate in certain activities. Please read the Parental Permission Form and tick the relevant boxes and return the forms in an envelope by Wednesday 2nd September.

Please return the attached Contact List Form and return to the office in an envelope by September 2nd.

Administration of Medicines

All families who have children with medical issues (nut allergies, asthma etc) must return the Administration of Medicines forms by September 2nd in an envelope. The form can be downloaded from the school website. This form must be returned regardless of whether the form was filled out last year.

First Communion

Ms. Reynolds, Amanda Reeves and Fr. Thomas will be meeting early this week regarding the organisation of the First Communion. Amanda will relay the information from this meeting to parents/guardians by WhatsApp.

School Calendar

The school calendar can be viewed on the school website.

Procedures to followed for suspected/confirmed Covid 19 cases in primary schools

The Department of Education has provided clarity in the event of a suspected or confirmed case of Covid 19 in primary schools.

  • The response to confirmed cases or outbreaks in our school will be led by Public Health HSE and, any actions to be taken by our school will be communicated directly by them. School management will be informed if action such as excluding children or staff; partial or full closures are deemed necessary. If the school is not so informed, it has not been deemed necessary by the Public Health.
  • If a child displays symptoms which may be consistent with COVID 19 the school will contact their parent or guardian and ask them to collect their child as soon as possible. The child will be cared for appropriately by a staff member whilst they are waiting to go home. The isolation space will be cleaned and contact surfaces disinfected when vacated. The staff member who has cared for the child with symptoms during this time does not need to go home unless subsequently advised to by Public Health HSE.
  • At this stage, no further action  by the school is required.
  • In particular, schools are asked to note that they should not inform other parents or staff members that a pupil or staff member has gone home due to their symptoms. Other pupils or staff do not need to be removed from class, including siblings or other household members.
  • If a GP determines that symptoms are consistent with COVID 19 infection, and the person is referred for a test, at this point the person becomes a suspected COVID 19 case and household members, including siblings, should be withdrawn from school by their parent of guardian.
  • Where there is a confirmed case, it will not be automatically assumed that a whole class will be deemed as close contacts.
  • There is no blanket policy to test entire classes.
  • In the event of an outbreak, Public Health will determine between a range of possible interventions, from exclusion and testing of a small group or pod of pupils up to, and including, closure of an affected facility.

Is mise,

Seamus Tansley.

Priomh Oide.