Imlitir 28

Imlitir 28

28th April, 2014.

A Thuisti,

Welcome back everyone after the Easter holidays. With just nine weeks until the summer holidays it is very important that all children are in regular attendance at school. Please continue to encourage your child to do their very best at school. With the weather improving and the evenings getting longer it is vitally important that your child has a routine, without distractions, when doing homework. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress please make an appointment with the class teacher.

Second class pupils received their First Confession before the Easter holidays. We would like to thank Fr. Thomas for the lovely ceremony, Mrs Campbell for preparing the children so well and Ms. O’Donoghue for playing the guitar on the night. The pupils showed great maturity on the night and they said all their prayers perfectly and sang beautifully. They have a busy couple of weeks ahead again as they prepare for their First Communion which will be held in Rathfeigh Church on Saturday May 10th at 11.00a.m. We wish them the best of luck as they prepare for their big day.

Circus Photography will be taking individual/family and class group photographs in the school after the First Communion ceremony. I am sending home an information pack with more information today.

Tennis coaching starts this Wednesday for all classes. This will form part of the P.E. programme over the next eight weeks. The cost is €10.00 per child. Please send in the money in an envelope as soon as possible.

As part of our School Self Evaluation of teaching and learning in numeracy in our school we would be very grateful if parents/guardians of children in Second to Sixth classes would complete the Parental Questionnaire attached and return it to the school by Wednesday April 30th.

The Volantary Contribution of €70.00 can be paid in cash, by cheque (made payable to B.O.M. Rathfeigh School) or by standing order (forms available from the office).

There is Rounders practice for Boys in fifth and sixth class tomorrow (Tuesday) after school until 4 p.m.
There is Rounders practice for Girls in fifth and sixth class on Thursday after school until 4 p.m.

We have a busy term ahead. Below are some important dates
First Communion May 10th at 11.00a.m. (Rathfeigh Church).
Standardised Tests (1st to 6th classes ) May 26th – 29th.
School Tours June 5th. (all classes).
End of year reports June 13th.
End of year Graduation Mass (6th class) June 25th at 7.30p.m.
Talent Show / Jumble Sale /Sports Day June (dates to be confirmed at a later date)
Is mise,

Seamus Tansley.