Imlitir 1

September 2nd 2024

School re-opened after the summer holidays last Thursday. The children have all settled inwell and we were particularly pleased to see our new Junior Infants settling in exceptionally well. From today the Junior Infants will go home at 1.40pm.

As we start a new school year it is important for the children to get into a routine straightaway – going to bed earlier, doing homework in a quiet place after school, packing the schoolbag each evening etc. The children should do their homework neatly and parents/guardians should sign the homework journal each evening after homework is completed and checked. If you are unhappy with any aspect of your child’s academic or social development please contact the class teacher as soon as possible.

Please ensure that your child’s name is on the label of their jumper as some children have already misplaced their jumpers.

Department of Education Primary School Book Scheme

I would like to thank Mrs Campbell and Mrs Vaughan for all their hard work organising the Book Rental Scheme books this year. Please ensure the children take good care of the books as some of them will be used again next year. The introduction of the Government Free Book Scheme has greatly reduced the financial burden on families as we start a new school year and particularly for those families who have more than one child in the school.

The children received their copies/folders/ homework journal last week. The copies and folders are covered under the Primary Book Scheme. We will collect money for the homework journals (1st  to 6th ) next week.

Important Dates

Please put the following dates in your diary:

Parent/Teacher Meetings November 21st and 22nd.
ConfirmationFebruary 12th
First CommunionMay 10th
Standardised TestsMay 27th , 28th , 29th
School Tour June 20th
6th Class GraduationJune 25th

School Closures
The school will be closed on September 30 th (Monday) as per the school calendar. All parents/guardians were emailed the school calendar at the end of the last school year. The school will also be closed on November 27th (Wednesday) for a Maths In-Service day for teachers.

Parental Permission Form/Contact Form
We ask parents/guardians for their permission for their children to participate in certain activities. Please read the Parental Permission Form and tick the relevant boxes and return the forms in an envelope by Thursday 5th September.

Please complete the Contact Form and return it to the office in an envelope by September 5th. Your child will take home both forms today.

Administration of Medicines
All families who have children with medical issues (nut allergies, asthma etc) must return the Administration of Medicines forms by September 5th in an envelope. The form can be downloaded from the school website. This form must be returned regardless of whether the form was filled out last year.

The children in 3rd to 6th class will be going swimming in Navan Swimming Pool for six weeks starting on September 17th . They will be travelling by bus – leaving the school at 9.20a.m. (approx) and returning to the school at 11.30a.m. (approx).

Statement of Strategy for School Attendance
All class teachers take the attendance roll daily at 10am on the Aladdin computer system. Children who arrive to school after 10am are marked absent. When a child is absent the parent/guardian must inform the class teacher by means of an Absence Note and explain the reason for the absence. The Absence Note is in the school journal and on the school website. The class teacher files all Absence Notes. The class teacher will contact the parent/guardian if an Absence Note has not been provided for the absence. Parents/guardians must also provide a note if a child departs early during the school day. Parents/guardians must sign the “Sign in/Sign out” book at reception if their child arrives late to school or leaves early.

Is Mise,
Seamus Tansley (Principal)